Sunday, September 11, 2016

Senior input needed for Safe and Sober

By Nicole Shaffer
    Seniors of 2016 should come to the Safe and Sober meeting monday, September 12, 2016 at Fortuna High School to talk about the next Safe and Sober Fundraisers.
    The Safe and Sober Team would like to see more seniors at the meeting and to hear your ideas. Dalya Olea, President of the senior class has gone to many meetings but is very concerned about the lack of Seniors actually going to the meetings. “There is a lack of participation at this point and it's really important that our class gets involved,” said Olea.
    Vice President, Jennifer Tovar would also like to see more seniors getting involved with Safe and Sober. Olea and Tovar both brought up great ideas to get the word of to seniors about the meeting without having to go to the Safe and Sober Facebook page. “I think that putting it in the bulletin would be very beneficial,” said Tovar. There is a Remind 101 that is available as well for safe and sober updates but has been abandoned by the Safe and Sober team, leaving only the Facebook page as there way to be updated about the meetings. Hopefully, these problems with be solved quickly to help get Seniors more connected with Safe and Sober.

    In the next meeting, they will be talking about the next fundraisers. Some ideas that has been brought up is a fundraiser at Apple Harvest on October 1.

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